jueves, 28 de julio de 2016



-What is the DIAN?
National taxes and costumes department
- When was the DIAN founded?
The DIAN was founded in 1993 as a result from a merch of the DIN and DAN
- Who is the legal representative of the DIAN?
Is the general director and is appointed by the president of the republic
- Where is the head cuarters?
Is in Bogota and is represented in 42 cities and towns in Colombia
- How can the DIAN get assets?
It can receive assets by titled or acquired
- Why does the DIAN exists?
It exists to protect the national economic public order and the fiscal security
- What are the DIAN functions?
Administration, control, supervisión, managment
- What are the processes the DIAN follows?
The strategic process, the mission process, support, evaluation

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016

Evaluación computación bimestral



Ways to finance a Project:
1.     -  BANK CREDIT: This is a really risky way to start a Project, you can get a loan from the bank but this doesnt assure you that your project will have sustainbility and if it doesnt success the bank will charge you the amount of the project with taxes.
2.     -  FAMILY AND FRIENDS: this is a really easy way to finance a project because your family and friends trust and support you, and if your project doesnt success you wont have bigger problems than with a bank.
3.       - CROWDFUNDING: Its a way to ask for money and help to start a project but this works on web pages online, you show your ideas and the people that think your project is interesting they help to finance it. This could ne risky because people online dont really know about others intentions and this could lead to a loss of money or credibility
- BUSSINESS ANGELS: The risk depends on the Project, if it fails you will have to reimburse the amount of money that investors gave you and if the project success a big part of the gains will be for them.
 -  CAPITAL RISK: In a capital risk the first thing you have to know is that your project has to be realistic and innovative, because if its not profitable they wont accept it. The risk is that if they do accept you, and the project is not succesful, you have to pay the money they invested on you in a short period of time.

Our project is a different way to produce energy and helps the environment, they are lightbulbs using solar energy and reciclable materials. We want to start our project in our city but we dont have investors to pay for the installation of them and the publicity. So we decided to ask our family members and friends for a small loan to do it, because we know they believe in us and we could return the money easily if the project fails. Our grandpa invested 50.000 dollars, our mom 20.000 dollars and our aunt 500 dollars. Finally the project succeded and we could light a lot of neighborhoods in the city, it was difficult to start it but we made it.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016


EQUILATERO: Todos los lados son iguales a=b, b=c, a=c
ESCALENO:  a!=b, b!=c, a!= c
ISOSCELES: Cuando no cumple ninguna de las otras dos.

!: NOT
& : AND

jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

Tutorial C++



Encontrar la financiación que necesitamos para nuestro negocio nunca ha sido una tarea sencilla. Mucho menos lo es ahora, en una economía que presenta un crecimiento paupérrimo y un estancamiento del consumo más que prolongado. Enmarcado en un contexto de crisis global, montar un negocio y más aún encontrar la financiación necesaria para llevarlo a cabo, se presenta como una tarea casi titánica, con muchas incertidumbres y muy pocas certezas.
Esto no quiere decir que no exista ninguna forma de encontrar la financiación que vamos a necesitar. De hecho los instrumentos están ahí, sólo que hay saber encontrar el que más se ajusta a nuestras necesidades y abordarlo de la manera correcta. Si hiciésemos un ranking de esos instrumentos, ordenados en función de las posibilidades de que finalmente nos vayan a financiar, nos encontraríamos ante un panorama muy similar al que describimos a continuación.

10. Pedir un crédito al banco

Una de las idiosincrasias del tejido empresarial español, a diferencia de otros países como Reino Unido, es la alta dependencia de los negocios de nuestro sistema bancario. Acudir al banco a pedir un crédito se ha convertido durante años en norma para más del 80% de las pequeñas empresas, frente a poco menos del 50% que registran sus peticiones de crédito en otros países europeos.
A pesar de ello y frente a la dificultad que tienen actualmente muchos negocios para financiarse por esta vía, acudir a nuestra “entidad bancaria amiga” si nuestra idea de negocio se mueve en un terreno tradicional (comercio, restauración, servicios, etc.).

9. Intercambio de servicios

El intercambio de servicio o bartering supone llegar a acuerdos con otras empresas en una relación en la que teóricamente todos ganan. Si bien no es un método de financiación directo, sí que es cierto que ayuda a reducir costes fijos y en ocasiones puede representar un ahorro muy importante para las empresas que se embarcan en una relación de este tipo.
En el lado negativo, se crean relaciones de dependencia y siempre existe el riesgo que una de las partes no cumpla del mismo modo que la otra su “parte del trato”, situación que puede dar lugar a conflictos indeseados.

8. Negociar un adelanto

Si tenemos la suerte de encontrar un cliente importante antes incluso de lanzar nuestro producto, podemos negociar con el mismo un adelanto que nos permita financiar el lanzamiento.
Contar con clientes que cuentan en nosotros por nuestra imagen, la confianza que tienen en nosotros, la calidad que hemos demostrado en ocasiones anteriores, etc. es clave para que algunos de los mejores puedan permanecer como clientes durante mucho tiempo, sino que puedan convertirse en una forma recurrente de financiar nuestras actividades.

7. Incubadoras y aceleradores de startups

Si nuestro modelo de negocio es asimilable a una filosofía startup (uso intensivo de la tecnología, escalable, etc.) es probable que el lugar donde más nos interese estar en un primer momento sea en una incubadora o en una aceleradora empresarial.
En la primera nos ayudarán a plasmar nuestra idea de negocio en una realidad y en la segunda, contaremos con mentoring y probablemente financiación externa para poder atacar el mercado con ciertas garantías.

6. Presentar el proyecto a empresas de capital riesgo

Si nuestra empresa puede demostrar que es escalable y que puede generar beneficios en el corto-medio plazo, puede ser interesante comenzar a llamar a la puerta de determinados fondos de capital riesgo.
La parte positiva de hacerlo es que en realidad, son empresas que están acostumbradas a arriesgar y perder lo invertido porque en realidad saben que si una de sus apuestas sale bien, el beneficio que obtendrán a cambio será enorme.  La parte negativa es que muchas empresas de capital riesgo se preocupan más por el beneficio que pueden obtener de la venta o desinversión de una empresa que de la empresa en sí misma, obligando en ocasiones a tomar decisiones a los fundadores que en realidad, no quieren tomar.

5. Presentar el proyecto a un Business Angel local

Presentar nuestro proyecto ante un business angel  local es muy parecido al hacerlo frente a una empresa de capital riesgo. La principal diferencia es que teóricamente el ángel inversor tiene un compromiso social con la comunidad en la que se encuentra. Suelen ser empresarios de éxito o inversores que buscan el desarrollo de los emprendedores que se encuentran dentro de su área de influencia.
Como tales suelen tener más “paciencia” con los proyectos que apadrinas y se implican de una forma mucho más directa en el desarrollo de los negocios en los que invierten.

4. Comienza una campaña de crowdfunding

El equity crowdfunding puede convertirse en una gran alternativa a la hora de financiar nuestra empresa. Permite que cualquier pequeño inversor pueda apostar por nuestra empresa, avalado por la transparencia y generalmente calidad de este tipo de plataformas.
En el último año se han presentado varias plataformas interesantes en España que apuestan por esta vía y os recomendamos en este sentido, la lectura de nuestro artículo “Las mejores plataformas de equity crowdfunding”. 

3. Ayudas y subvenciones

Aunque las administraciones públicas no suelen financiar de forma directa proyectos empresariales, sí que ponen en marcha distintas subvenciones y ayudas que permiten la financiación (aunque sea a posteriori) de proyectos que cumplan con determinados requisitos. Suelen ser beneficiados por este tipo de subvenciones proyectos innovadores, que apuesten por las nuevas tecnologías, que quieran internacionalizarse o que representen una ventaja competitiva en alguna de las áreas que la administración quiera impulsar en un momento determinado (como las energías renovables hace unos años).

2. Amigos y familia

Recurrir a familiares y amigos se ha convertido en una de las primeras opciones que consideran todos aquellos que quieren lanzarse a la aventura empresarial. Los conocidos como “Friends Fools an Family” pueden ofrecernos el impulso inicial que necesitamos para poner en marcha nuestro proyecto.
En nuestro artículo “Friends Fools and Family: cómo pedir dinero para nuestro negocio” encontraréis las claves que necesitáis saber si apostáis por esta forma de actuar.

1. Boostrapping

El bootstrapping es un término procedente del inglés que hace referencia a empezar algo sin recursos o con muy pocos recursos. En el área de los negocios, pues, significa ejercer alguna actividad emprendedora con poco o nada de capital, es decir, emprender únicamente con los medios que se tienen al alcance.
Una de las mayores ventajas del Bootstrapping es el riesgo, casi cero, ya que no le deberemos nada a nadie y si fracasamos, no habremos perdido demasiado, siempre podemos intentarlo de nuevo.
Aunque sea una forma lenta para comenzar, quizá puede ser la única vía para muchos emprendedores. Destacar, que si se tiene éxito se puede conseguir una experiencia impagable, de gran valor que repercutirá muchas veces en los servicios, productos ofrecidos y capacidad de trabajo.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016


1. Programming language: Is a language used to give commands to the computer to do some operations

2.Algorithm: Logical sequence to solve a problem

3. Pseudo-code: It's to write the programming language in english

4. Variables: store data in different types (double/decimals, char/letras y símbolos, int/enteros, float/decimales, string/cadena de caracteres)

5. Library: The set of instructions for a specific purpose IO STREAM

6. Cycle: repetition of instructions for a defined number of times

7. Loop: Repetition of instructions that does not have an end

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

ITCs presentation


Industrial free zone or Free Trade Zone

Free Trade Zone
Is a specific class of special economic zone. They are a geographic area where goods may be landed, handled, manufactured or reconfigured, and reexported without the intervention of the customs authorities. Only when the goods are moved to consumers within the country in which the zone is located do they become subject to the prevailing customs duties. Free-trade zones are organized around major seaports, international airports, and national frontiers—areas with many geographic advantages for trade. It is a region where a group of countries has agreed to reduce or eliminate trade barriers. Free trade zones can also be defined as labor-intensive manufacturing centers that involve the import of raw materials or components and the export of factory products.

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

·  The Internet is not widely available in most LDCs; radio and TV are Broadcast technologies such as radio and television have a much greater penetration than the Internet throughout much of the developing world, and the substantial gap is not expected to be closed soon.
·  Radio and TV can have high start-up costs, and reinforce existing pedagogical styles Educational initiatives that utilize radio and television typically have quite high initial start-up/capital costs, but once they are up and running, on-going maintenance and upgrade costs are much lower (making initiatives utilizing radio and TV for distance learning in the educations sector particularly appealing for donor support in many cases). One-to-many broadcast technologies like radio and television (as well as satellite distribution of electronic content) are seen as less ‘revolutionary’ ICTs in education, as their usage is seen as reinforcing of traditional instructor-centric learning models, unlike computers, which many see as important tools in fostering more learner-centric instructional models.
Radio instruction has been used widely and is reasonably well studied Radio instruction in formal education has been well studied, especially the links between the use of radio in combination with school-based educational resources and a variety of pedagogical practices.
  TV has been used with success in a few places Television has been utilized successfully as a mechanism for reaching out-of-school youth in a number of countries, especially in Latin America and China, and the results of such projects have been widely disseminated.
  It is unclear where to place computers to make sure they are used most efficiently There is very little research on the most appropriate placement of computers in schools, or in the community, used to achieve various learning objectives.
  Multi-channel learning is a useful concept The emerging practice of ‘multi-channel learning’, which focuses on enriching the educational experience by engaging all resources that are available to help effect incremental change by coordinating the various ways to connect learners with information, knowledge, and stimulation, and to mediate those interactions, provides valuable insight into how blended learning approaches can be delivered and tailored in areas of great resource scarcity.
This elements are perfect for helping the user searching information, making homeworks, remebering dates and the most important it is used in a right way, to have a fast an easy communication. You can download apps like Facebook, whastapp, and used them to talk with your Friends.
Is like a watch but has the same system of a cellphone. You can Access to internet and download almost the same apps as te cellphone. It is really usefull for cummunication too and aloud you to search information.
Its a realy helpfull tool for people who want to keep informed of what is happening. You can find it online and buy it physically. Gives us lots of information.
Its a tool that help us to search places and surf internet to facilitate arriving somewhere you do not know or you are not sure of it´s ubication.
as drones they are used for risky tasks, they can store information, help searching new discoveries that can be really important in ICTs area, lead information from one place to another
It's a really innovative tool, one of its functions is to keep security in army, mostly used in usa. It´s used as a type of camera too and for scientific investigation.

A mobile phone is a telephone that can make and receive calls over a radio frequency carrier while the user is moving within a telephone service area. The radio frequency link establishes a connection to the switching systems of a mobile phone operator, which provides access to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Most modern mobile telephone services use a celllar network architecture, and therefore mobile telephones are often also called cellular telephones or cell phones.

Use of cellphone
Mobile phones are used for a variety of purposes, such as keeping in touch with family members, for conducting business, and in order to have access to a telephone in the event of an emergency. Some people carry more than one mobile phone for different purposes, such as for business and personal use. Multiple SIM cards may be used to take advantage of the benefits of different calling plans. For example, a particular plan might provide for cheaper local calls, long-distance calls, international calls, or roaming.

Future evolution

5G is a technology and term used in research papers and projects to denote the next major phase in mobile telecommunication standards beyond the 4G/IMT-Advanced standards. The term 5G is not officially used in any specification or official document yet made public by telecommunication companies or standardization bodies such as 3GPP, WiMAX Forum or ITU-R. New standards beyond 4G are currently being developed by standardization bodies, but they are at this time seen as under the 4G umbrella, not for a new mobile generation.

Deloitte is predicting a collapse in wireless performance to come as soon as 2016, as more devices using more and more services compete for limited bandwidth for their operation.
We created a cellphone which will be used as a normal one but when it is dropped or falls it bounces so the screen won't get broken. It will be possible because of the material is made of type og gum and the glass is protected in every position for this reboundable gum.